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šŸ† Trofeos de GrimGrimoire OnceMore

Descubre cĆ³mo conseguir todos los trofeos y logros deĀ GrimGrimoire OnceMoreĀ para PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, y Nintendo Switc con nuestra guĆ­a detallada para lograr el 100% del juego.

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Progreso de trofeos

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Listado de trofeos


ā–  GrimGrimoire OnceMore

Se obtiene al conseguir todos los trofeos disponibles.


ā–  Clear as Crystal

Completa Day 1:

Day 1 [Drama]: Gammel's Lecture
Day 1 [Practice]: Gammel's Practice
Day 1 [Drama]: The Two Guys


ā–  Fairy-Weather Friends

Completa Day 2:
Day 2 [Drama]: Gammel's Lecture 2
Day 2 [Practice]: Gammel's Practice 2
Day 2 [Drama]: Butterfly and Snake


ā–  Talisman Among Talismen

Completa Day 3:
Day 3 [Drama]: Gammel's Lecture 3
Day 3 [Practice]: Gammel's Practice 3
Day 3 [Drama]: Beatuty in Love, and Beast


ā–  Ghost of a Chance

Completa Day 4:
Day 4 [Drama]: Opalneria's Lecture
Day 4 [Practice]: Opalneria's Practice
Day 4 [Drama]: Grave Keeper


ā–  Lillet's Last Stand

Completa Day 5:
Day 5 [Drama]: Trouble
Day 5 [Practice]: Defending the Escape
Day 5 [Drama]: Archmage Calvaros


ā–  First Imp-ressions

Completa Day 1 del segundo bucle:
Day 1 [Drama]: Looking for Advice
Day 1 [Practice]: Advocat's Test
Day 1 [Drama]: Old Teacher and the Devil


ā–  Tough Egg to Crack

Completa Day 2 del segundo bucle:
Day 2 [Drama]: Advocat's Lecture
Day 2 [Practice]: Advocat's Ā Practice
Day 2 [Drama]: Chartreuse's Lab


ā–  Cleanup Crew

Completa Day 3 del segundo bucle:
Day 3 [Drama]: Chartreuse's Lecture
Day 3 [Practice]: Lab Clean-up
Day 3 [Drama]: Teacher and Student


ā–  Star Light, Star Bright

Completa Day 4 del segundo bucle:
Day 4 [Drama]: Discussing with Margarita
Day 4 [Practice]: Opalnerias's Sealed Room
Day 4 [Drama]: Betrayal and Truth


ā–  Chaos Unleashed

Completa Day 5 del segundo bucle:
Day 5 [Drama]: Danger
Day 5 [Practice]: Chaotic Assault
Day 5 [Drama]: The Two Devils


ā–  Chimera Conqueror

Completa Day 1 del tercer bucle:
Day 1 [Drama]: Failed Chimera Experiment
Day 1 [Practice]: Chimera Testing
Day 1 [Drama]: After the Chimera Clean-up


ā–  Blessed Virgine

Completa Day 2 del tercer bucle:
Day 2 [Drama]: Amoretta in Danger
Day 2 [Practice]: Devil's Strike
Day 2 [Drama]: Ultimate Homunculus


ā–  Academic Arbitrator

Completa Day 3 del tercer bucle:
Day 3 [Drama]: Bartido vs Advocat
Day 3 [Practice]: Stopping the Fight
Day 3 [Drama]: Bartido's Secret


ā–  Take a Rain Check

Completa Day 4 del tercer bucle:
Day 4 [Drama]: Infiltration
Day 4 [Practice]: vs Opalneria
Day 4 [Drama]: Bartido and Hiram


ā–  Grim Awakening

Completa Day 5 del tercer bucle:
Day 5 [Drama]: Dark Clouds
Day 5 [Practice]: Grimlet's Awakening
Day 5 [Drama]: Sacrifice and Pact


ā–  Devil of a Time

Completa Day 1 del cuarto bucle:
Day 1 [Drama]: Appeal
Day 1 [Practice]: A Devil's Interrogation
Day 1 [Drama]: Advocat


ā–  Shaken and Stirred

Completa Day 2 del cuarto bucle:
Day 2 [Drama]: Margarita's Punishment
Day 2 [Practice]: Rescue Mission
Day 2 [Drama]: Jealousy


ā–  Angel's Advocate

Completa Day 3 del cuarto bucle:
Day 3 [Drama]: Sacrificial Lamb
Day 3 [Practice]: Saving Amoretta
Day 3 [Drama]: A Devil's Pact


ā–  Grim Consequences

Completa Day 4 del cuarto bucle:
Day 4 [Drama]: Catastrophe
Day 4 [Practice]: Summoning Grimlet
Day 4 [Drama]: Fighting the Devil


ā–  Tower Defense

Completa Day 5 del cuarto bucle:
Day 5 [Drama]: Margarita's Rebellion
Day 5 [Practice]: Defense
Day 5 [Drama]: The Archmage and Devil


ā–  The Lion, the Witch, and the Chimera Lab

Completa Day 1 del quinto bucle:
Day 1 [Drama]: Love to Destruction
Day 1 [Practice]: Chimeras and the Witch
Day 1 [Drama]: Heartbreak


ā–  Mousetrap

Completa Day 2 del quinto bucle:
Day 2 [Drama]: Holy Offering
Day 2 [Practice]: Mouse Trap
Day 2 [Drama]: Innocence


ā–  Dirty Surely

Completa Day 3 del quinto bucle:
Day 3 [Drama]: Stange Cooperation
Day 3 [Practice]: A Familiar's True Nature
Day 3 [Drama]: Prince and the Witch


ā–  Grim Satisfaction

Completa Day 4 del quinto bucle:
Day 4 [Drama]: Leaving the Nest
Day 4 [Practice]: Sumoning Grimlet, Again
Day 4 [Drama]: How to Beat the Devil


ā–  Time After Time

Escapa de la prisiĆ³n recurrente del tiempo:
Day 5 [Drama]: The Secret Room
Day 5 [Practice]: Calvaro's Defense
Day 5 [Drama]: Outside the Loops of Time

ā–  Trofeo de platino ā–  Trofeo de oro ā–  Trofeo de plata ā–  Trofeo de bronce