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💪 Crafts

Listado de todos los Crafts y S-Crafts de los personajes de The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. Aquí podrás ver sus parámetros, costes, efectos y cómo conseguirlos.

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Progreso de Crafts y S-Crafts

Tienes [elementChecked] Crafts conseguidos.

Estelle Bright

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Morale 掛け声

A shout to encourage allies. (STR+20%) trails_in_the_sky_str_up.png
Area (M) - Support

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Estelle.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Taunt 挑発

Temporarily focuses enemy attention on self. (Rage) trails_in_the_sky_rage.png
Area (M) - Support

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 4.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Hurricane 旋風輪

Spins and strikes enemies in the area.
Area (M) - Attack (Set)

Power: -8

Cost: 30 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 8.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Comet 捻糸棍

Launches a ballistic wave of energy. (Penetrate)
Line - Attack

Power: 20

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 19.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Hard Break 金剛撃

Hits an enemy's weak spot. Cancels arts and crafts. (Impede)
Single - Attack

Power: 30

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 27.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Pummel 烈波無双撃

Beats an enemy senseless with a series of attacks.
Single - Attack

Power: 40

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Estelle.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Barrage 桜花無双撃

An extended, more powerful version of Pummel.
Single - Attack

Power: 240

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 40 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 24.

Joshua Bright

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Dual Strike 双連撃

Unleashes a double slash with dual blades. (2-Hit)
Single - Attack

Power: -1

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Joshua.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Flicker 絶影

Slices defenses, dulls senses. (Penetrate, AT Delay) trails_in_the_sky_at_delay.png
Line - Attack

Power: 20

Cost: 30 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 13.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Taunt 挑発

Temporarily focuses enemy attention on self. (Rage) trails_in_the_sky_rage.png
Area (M) - Support

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 16.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Cloak & Dagger 朧(おぼろ)

A surprise attack aimed at an enemy's weak spot. (K.O. 20%) trails_in_the_sky_deathblow.png
Single - Attack

Power: 30

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 25 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 18.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Evil Eye 魔眼

Penetrating golden glare. Scares foes senseless. (AT Delay) trails_in_the_sky_at_delay.png
Area (M) - Attack

Power: 20

Cost: 40 CP

Delay: 40 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 26.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Sever 断骨剣

A feinting assassin's attack.
Single - Attack

Power: 40

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Joshua.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Black Fang 漆黒の牙

Cuts down enemies with an instantaneous attack.
Area (All) - Attack

Power: 80

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 40 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 23.

Scherazard Harvey

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Sylphen Whip シルフェンウィップ

Cuts through wind, delivering a powerful lashing.
Area (S) - Attack

Power: 10

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Scherazard.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Bind Whip バインドウィップ

Hits weak spot, cancelling arts and crafts. (Impede)
Single - Attack

Power: 20

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 13.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Heaven's Kiss ヘブンズキス

Whips allies into shape. (AT Advance)
Area (M) - Support

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 30.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Sadist Whip クインビュート

Envelops an enemy in a fierce flogging storm.
Single - Attack

Power: 40

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Scherazard.

Olivier Lenheim

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Quick Draw クイックドロウ

Fires off several rounds in the blink of an eye.
Area (M) - Attack (Set)

Power: 10

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Olivier.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Sniper Shot スナイプショット

A precision shot, cancelling arts and crafts. (Impede)
Single - Attack

Power: 20

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 20.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Happy Trigger ハッピートリガー

Casts bouquet away and heals 800HP for allies.
Area (M) - Recovery

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 20 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 32.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Howling Bullet ハウリングバレット

Fires off an explosive energy shot.
Area (M) - Attack

Power: 40

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Olivier.

Kloe Rinz

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Kaempfer ケンプファー

A preemptive air strike. (STR&DEF-50%) trails_in_the_sky_str_down.png trails_in_the_sky_def_down.png
Single - Debilitate

Power: 10

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Kloe.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Sturm シュトゥルム

A continuous strike, cancelling arts and crafts. (Impede)
Single - Attack

Power: 20

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 20.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Lichtkreis リヒトクライス

A Radiant Plash. Revives K.O.ed and heals 1500HP. (DEF+50% if 200CP) trails_in_the_sky_def_up.png
Area (L) - Recovery

Power: -

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Kloe.

Agate Crosner

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Wild Rage バッファローレイジ

Lets out a forceful yell. (CP+50, MaxHP-30%)
Self - Support

Power: 10

Cost: 30% Max HP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Agate.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Flame Smash フレイムスマッシュ

A powerful attack emitting flames.
Area (S) - Attack

Power: 10

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 20.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Draguna Edge ドラグナーエッジ

Sends out a flaming wave attack. (Penetrate, Impede)
Line - Attack

Power: 10

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 25.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Spiral Edge スパイラルエッジ

Sideswipes an enemy. (AT Delay) trails_in_the_sky_at_delay.png
Single - Attack

Power: 10

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 30.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Beat Down ダイナストゲイル

A series of sword slashes followed by a heavy blow.
Single - Attack

Power: 40

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Agate.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Final Break ファイナルブレイク

Rips through enemies with an explosion of flame.
Area (M) - Attack

Power: 90

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 40 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 26.

Tita Russell

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Smoke Cannon スモークカノン

Hits enemies with a smokescreen. (Blind) trails_in_the_sky_blind.png
Area (M) - Attack (Set)

Power: 10

Cost: 30 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Tita.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Vital Cannon バイタルカノン

Fires off a recovery round, healing allies 500HP.
Area (M) - Recovery (Set)

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 23.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Cannon Impulse カノンインパルス

A wild fusillade of rounds fired at enemies.
Area (M) - Attack

Power: 40

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Tita.

Zin Vathek

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Taunt 挑発

Temporarily focuses all enemy attention on self. (Rage) trails_in_the_sky_rage.png
Area (All) - Support

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Zin.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Distend 龍神功

Parameter-boosting breathing technique. (STR&DEF+30%) trails_in_the_sky_str_up.png trails_in_the_sky_def_up.png
Self - Support

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Zin.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Composure 養命功

Cures all abnormal status except K.O. and heals 800HP.
Single - Recovery

Power: -

Cost: 20 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Zin.

trails_in_the_sky_craft.png Smite 月華掌

A mighty thrusting assault. (Confuse 50%) trails_in_the_sky_confuse.png
Single - Attack

Power: 30

Cost: 30 CP

Delay: 30 AT

  • Craft por defecto de Zin.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Disable 奥義・龍閃脚

A tremendous multi-stage assault.
Single - Attack

Power: 40

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • S-Craft por defecto de Zin.

trails_in_the_sky_s_craft.png Aural Blast 奥義・雷神掌

A burst of drawn-in energy released from both hands.
Area (M) - Attack

Power: 100

Cost: +100 CP

Delay: 35 AT

  • Se aprende en el nivel 30.