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✨ Arts

Listado de todos las arts disponibles en The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. Aquí podrás ver sus parámetros, costes, efectos y cómo conseguirlas. Están organizadas por tipo de sepith.

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Progreso de arts

Tienes [elementChecked] arts conseguidas.


trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Stone Hammer ストーンハンマー

Drops a large boulder on enemies.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx1

Power: 10

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Earth Lance アースランス

A pointed blade shoots up from the ground.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx5

Power: 50

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Petrify Breath ペトロブレス

Blows petrifying gas on an enemy. (Petrify 20%) trails_in_the_sky_petrify.png
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx3

Power: 20

Cost: 30 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Stone Impact ストーンインパクト

Drops a massive boulder on enemies.
Area (M) - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx3 trails_in_the_sky_space.pngx2

Power: 10

Cost: 50 EP

Cast Time: 15 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Titanic Roar タイタニックロア

Creates a powerful localized earthquake.
Area (All) - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx8 trails_in_the_sky_space.pngx4

Power: 30

Cost: 50 EP

Cast Time: 20 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Earth Guard アースガード

Forms a temporary earth shield. (Immunity) trails_in_the_sky_guard.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx2

Power: -

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Earth Wall アースウォール

Forms a temporary earth shield perimeter. (Immunity) trails_in_the_sky_guard.png
Area (S) - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx4

Power: -

Cost: 30 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_earth.png Crest クレスト

Temporarily grants protection from the earth. (DEF+25%) trails_in_the_sky_def_up.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_water.pngx3 trails_in_the_sky_space.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_mirage.pngx1

Power: -

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT


trails_in_the_sky_water.png Aqua Bleed アクアブリード

Shoots a heavy stream of water at enemies.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx1

Power: 10

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png Blue Impact ブルーインパクト

Blasts an enemy with highly pressurized water.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx5

Power: 50

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png Diamond Dust ダイヤモンドダスト

Produces intense cold. (Freeze 20%) trails_in_the_sky_freeze.png
Area (S) - Attack (Set)

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx1

Power: 20

Cost: 40 EP

Cast Time: 15 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png Tear ティア

Heals 200HP for an ally.
Single - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx1

Power: -

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 3 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png Teara ティアラ

Heals 1000HP for an ally.
Single - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx4

Power: -

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 4 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png Tearal ティアラル

Heals 2000HP for an ally.
Single - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx6

Power: -

Cost: 40 EP

Cast Time: 6 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png La Tear ラ・ティア

Heals 200HP for allies in the area.
Area (S) - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx1

Power: -

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 5 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png La Teara ラ・ティアラ

Heals 1000HP for allies in the area.
Area (M) - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx5 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2

Power: -

Cost: 50 EP

Cast Time: 7 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png Thelas セラス

Revives and heals 100HP.
Single - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx1

Power: -

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 5 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png Curia キュリア

Cures all abnormal status except K.O.
Single - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx2

Power: -

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 5 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_water.png La Curia ラ・キュリア

Cures status of all allies in area except those K.O.ed.
Area (L) - Recovery

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx8 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2

Power: -

Cost: 30 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT


trails_in_the_sky_fire.png Fire Bolt ファイアボルト

Shoots a flaming ball of fire.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx1

Power: 10

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_fire.png Flare Arrow フレアアロー

Showers an enemy with searing flames.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx3

Power: 40

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_fire.png Napalm Breath ナパームブレス

Crimson flames that erupt from below.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx6

Power: 80

Cost: 40 EP

Cast Time: 15 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_fire.png Fire Bolt EX ファイアボルト改

Sends a wave of flaming balls of fire.
Area (M) - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx3 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx1 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx1

Power: 20

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_fire.png Spiral Flare スパイラルフレア

A chaotic flurry of scorching arrows.
Area (M) - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx5 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2

Power: 50

Cost: 30 EP

Cast Time: 15 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_fire.png Volcanic Rave ボルカニックレイブ

Causes an explosion of focused energy.
Area (M) - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx8 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2

Power: 90

Cost: 50 EP

Cast Time: 20 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_fire.png Forte フォルテ

Temporarily boosts strength by fire. (STR+25%) trails_in_the_sky_str_up.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx3 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx1

Power: -

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT


trails_in_the_sky_wind.png Air Strike エアストライク

Tears and shreds an enemy with compressed air.
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx1

Power: 10

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_wind.png Aerial エアリアル

A powerful tornado with whirling bits of rubble.
Area (M) - Attack (Set)

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx4

Power: 20

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_wind.png Aero Storm エアロストーム

Creates a massive vortex of slicing aero blades.
Area (L) - Attack (Set)

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx8

Power: 50

Cost: 40 EP

Cast Time: 15 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_wind.png Lightning ライトニング

Sends out an electrical shock. (Seal 20%) trails_in_the_sky_seal.png
Line - Attack (Set)

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2

Power: 30

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_wind.png Plasma Wave プラズマウェイブ

Strikes with electrical bolts. (Seal 20%) trails_in_the_sky_seal.png
Line - Attack (Set)

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx8 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx4

Power: 40

Cost: 50 EP

Cast Time: 15 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_wind.png Sylphen Guard シルフェンガード

Creates a temporary wind barrier. (AGL+50%) trails_in_the_sky_agl_up.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx2

Power: -

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_wind.png Sylphen Wing シルフェンウイング

Temporarily borrows the power of wind. (MOV+1) trails_in_the_sky_mov_up.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx6

Power: -

Cost: 30 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT


trails_in_the_sky_time.png Soul Blur ソウルブラー

Emits a time-space shaking pulse. (Faint 20%) trails_in_the_sky_faint.png
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx1

Power: 10

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_time.png Shadow Spear シャドウスピア

A blade that whittles away life. (K.O. 20%) trails_in_the_sky_deathblow.png
Single - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx5

Power: 20

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_time.png Hell Gate ヘル・ゲート

Stagnates enemies' vital activities. (Faint 20%) trails_in_the_sky_faint.png
Area (S) - Attack

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx1

Power: 50

Cost: 30 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_time.png White Gehenna ホワイトゲヘナ

Disrupts the time-space continuum. (Faint 20%) trails_in_the_sky_faint.png
Area (M) - Attack (Set)

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx8 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx2

Power: 80

Cost: 40 EP

Cast Time: 20 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_time.png Clock Up クロックアップ

Speeds up the flow of time. (SPD+25%) trails_in_the_sky_spd_up.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx1

Power: -

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_time.png Clock Up EX クロックアップ改

Greatly speeds up the flow of time. (SPD+50%) trails_in_the_sky_spd_up.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx9

Power: -

Cost: 30 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_time.png Anti-Sept アンチセプト

Temporarily prevents the casting of arts. (Mute) trails_in_the_sky_mute.png
Single - Debilitate

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx3

Power: -

Cost: 20 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_time.png Anti-Sept All アンチセプトオール

Temporarily prevents the casting of arts. (Mute) trails_in_the_sky_mute.png
Area (M) - Debilitate (Set)

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_time.pngx11

Power: -

Cost: 40 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT


trails_in_the_sky_mirage.png Saint セイント

Temporarily increases an ally's parameters. (STR & DEF+25%) trails_in_the_sky_str_up.png trails_in_the_sky_def_up.png
Single - Support

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx4 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_earth.pngx3 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_fire.pngx3 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_water.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_wind.pngx2 trails_in_the_sky_sepith_space.pngx2

Power: -

Cost: 40 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT

trails_in_the_sky_mirage.png Chaos Brand カオスブランド

Muddles an enemy's cognitive abilities. (Confuse) trails_in_the_sky_confuse.png
Single - Debilitate

Elemental Value: trails_in_the_sky_sepith_mirage.pngx5

Power: -

Cost: 10 EP

Cast Time: 10 AT

Delay Time: 20 AT